
Revision history

v1.16 alpha
- Add the "reset" button in the option page. If this extension couldn't remember the URLs you had set up before, try to press 'reset' button and reopen Chrome again, it may works fine.

v1.12 alpha
- Desktop notification default value is disabled. You may enable the function with option page by right clicking the icon.

v1.11 alpha
- Tabs could be sorted with staying time, tab id, or even you may brings all the auto-refreshing tabs to the top.
- input box to color the tabs which web title or url match keyword. 'Enter' key will bring the matched ones to the top of all tabs.
- Up or Down arrow key to change text-cursor position to the previous(next) tab which match keyword.
可使用關鍵字找出符合條件的分頁,並以上、下方向鍵將文字游標移至該分頁的間隔秒數輸入框中,或者以 Enter 鍵將這些符合條件的分頁全部搬移至最前端。

v1.10 alpha
- Fix countdown bugs when tabs added, removed, or order changed.
- Each tab has a stay-time displayed in grey color, to tell you how much time do you spend with this tab. Tab-sorted function will be available in future version.
- Option page supported. Tab drag & drop available only at the option page.

v1.09 alpha
- 'Enter' key to save and activate settings.
按下 Enter 鍵可儲存並套用設定。
- Smart desktop notification only for updated pages.

1 則留言:

  1. Found your post interesting to read. I cant wait to see your post soon. Good luck for the upcoming update.This article is really very interesting and effective.

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    Phong Nha Pioneer Travel
